Molly does it again!

Manchester Arts, part of Manchester,MO city government, sponsors a juried photography contest for area photographers. We were encouraged to enter by Renee Townsend, President of the Jefferson County  Photography Club. This year they had 237 entries. The entry categories are based on age. Sub teen,Teen,21-49 and 50+. We were told this is a very competitive event and to make the show is quite an achievement.

All of our images made the show.


Molly received THE BEST IN SHOW AWARD and a cash prize. Her winning entry is titled: “Bison Feeding”.

Photo by Renee Townsend

The Camera Sherpa (me) came home with 2nd place  in the 50+ age group and a nice cash prize as well. The entry is titled:  “Tatanka”.

Photo by Renee Townsend

I am very happy for Molly and very proud as well….you go girl!
Keep bringin home that ‘bacon’ LOL

Week In Review


It has been a fun week.

The daily mail delivery brought a document proclaiming that I had been inducted into The Order of Nimrod ( a biblical hunter). The document had a California address and came from Sam Hampton aka The Marshmaster . Sam is a talented story teller, artist and artisan. A high honor indeed. Thanks Sam.

I had an impromptu photo shoot with the folks that run Astral Glass here in New Haven. Joining me was the talented Holly Ross. It allowed me a chance to try my hand at no flash ‘high’ ISO photography. Lighting was tricky but the results are below. If you come to our house and depending on your schedule, you can be assured of two things. You are going to go to Astral Glass to see the beautiful work they do and get fed with a Lancito’s pizza. If they are not open, then you will have to settle for us and whatever we grill LOL.

The Jefferson County Photography Club had their first intra-club projected photo competition Thursday. Molly received a 3rd place trophy for her image ( see below). Her Camera Sherpa ( me) got a HM ribbon. It reminded me of Molly’s answer to Kathy O’s asking her why she was taking Kathy’s beginning photography course.

” So, I can beat Bill”

Don’t worry….I’m used to it  LOL


A year ago today—

We moved to New Haven

Had unloaded everything and set up the bare necessities

Come to think about it– around this time we were having Lancito’s pizza with Lori and Dan Biehl

Hope all of you are warm and enjoying the weekend


and since it is a photo blog– here is a quick down and dirty 1DX file



When it comes to ducks?? Yeah,I can see why people would say that. If there is anyone to blame it would be my old friend Sam Hampton. He was the person that got me into all the duck stuff. That led to me chasing them from Canada to The Gulf of Mexico in two flyways.

These days, I ‘shoot’ more of them with a camera than a shotgun, but you could say that either way– yeah….I’m obsessive.

Trying to learn how all the auto focus and other features work on the new 1DX.

Image is a major crop and except for a kiss with the sharpening brush at 50%-is straight out of the camera. I think I am going to like this camera. Settings in text in image for those that are interested.

Jumping in with both feet

As many of you know, I have been looking to replace my old Canon 1DMKIIN that finally died after 545,000 clicks and two replaced shutters. I’ve been using Molly’s back-up 40D which sometimes drives me crazy.

The candidates were the Canon 7DII, the 5DsR and the latest 5DIV.  I had pretty much decided on looking for a 7DII on sale or a good used copy. For grins, I looked at the Canon 1DX.

Yep…….I bought the 1DX.

The one I bought had 22k clicks (rated for 400,000) and I am blown away by it. It will run 12 frames/sec,blazing fast auto focus and 18 mega-pixels ( the conversion software says 22.6 but that probably includes metadata and embedded jpg). The frame rate,auto focus and buffer blows a 7DII out of the water and the 7DII is no slouch ( see Lee’s elk photos ).

So now I have to learn to use it and after reading the manual, I have come to the conclusion that the camera is smarter than I am LOL.

Yes, it is a photo blog– 2 pix of the camera and quick test shot on a bluebird that we hope will get a mate and nest in our bluebird nesting box.

click for larger version