Forecast for today was for cloudy skies per the Channel 4 broadcast last night–
just like yesterday.
In the words of Bob Dylan (Subterranean Blues), you don’t have to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.
In this case, you don’t have to be a weatherman to see blue skies and good daylight….at least until 1pm. I had scheduled some computer maintenance stuff that needed me to ‘baby sit’ for today based on the forecast instead of going out early and watching-photographing swans.
Lemonade out of lemons means setting up at our bird feeder and I think the results speak for themselves. These are just about straight out of the camera– no flash needed today.
Only exception is the swan silhouette which was taken Saturday late afternoon–
Butter cookies being made as I make this entry– there goes the diet 🙂
May you all have a healthy, happy Thanksgiving– tomorrow, headed to Farmington to pick up our niece and her ‘beau’ so they can be here for the big Forir Clan dinner on Thursday.
Friday– Molly and I hope to do some swan photography. Those of you that are out and about, be sure and stop and say “Hi”.
- Swans coming in at sundown to the Heron Pond
- Tree Sparrow posing on the bare fire bush
- Female house finch has a quizzical look
- Titmouse in nice light
- Don’t know where he got it but at least he is leaving our feeder alone.
- Male House Finch looks at me when he heard the shutter click