Pretty soggy here in New Haven,MO.
Radishes are looking good–lettuce–meh.
Caught some of our “fellow citizens” before the rain came back.
- by Molly
- By Molly
- Photo by Molly
Pretty soggy here in New Haven,MO.
Radishes are looking good–lettuce–meh.
Caught some of our “fellow citizens” before the rain came back.
The garage sale yesterday was a resounding success. Maybe not Easy Street success but we had fun, met a lot of folks from the New Haven area and made some vacation money.
Today,photographed our blue birds and the red shoulder hawk, made a good dent in the chore list and we are taking the afternoon off to grill and watch Cardinal baseball.
The following image is one of my new favorites. Last week Renee’s picture made it to the head of the favorite list and this week Scott Villmer has sent an image and it joins Renee’s as one of the fave of favorite images.
These Jefferson County Photography Club photographers have it going on!!!
Location: McCallie’s Wildflower Farm, JeffCo Photography Club get together and photoshoot.
31 years,1 month and 3 days as of this posting– seems like yesterday and yes, we always hold hands LOL.
Photo by Scott Villmer and used with his permission
We started our week last Saturday at the McCallie Wildflower Farm. The JeffCo Photography Club held a lunch and photography session at what is one of the most charming places in this part of the country. The farmhouse is straight out of Hollywood for what a farmhouse should look like. The animals at the farm ranged from Shetland Sheep, to an Emu, an Alpaca, to Llamas, a Donkey and Highland Cattle. Highland Cattle are the ones with bangs and the ‘bad bowl haircuts’.
Throw in some photogenic chickens and watch Molly go crazy.
Molly working the shot on the ‘Boss of the Barnyard’
Photo taken and used with permission of Renee Townsend
A great time was had by all.
Easter was in Farmington. Molly’s mom was cleared to come home from the re-hab center. It also was an opportunity to get some more baby pix of Olivia Page, Brandi and Johnathon’s little girl. Zachary came home with us so he could get a javelin for track (no one in Farmington will ever be safe again LOL) and fitted for cross country racing shoes. Back to Farmington on Monday and then home to New Haven.
Lettuce and Radishes are now planted and coming up in the raised beds.
JeffCo camera club meeting last night. Kathy O Donnell aka Kathy O, put on an excellent presentation on low light/night photography.
All through the week, we were working on pricing items for the New Haven City Wide Garage Sale which takes place tomorrow. We priced stuff to sell—-the object being to get the stuff out of the house/garage so low ball pricing rules.
I’m sure we will be on Easy Street after the sale LOL.
We have opened the house to air out,topped off the raised beds and have lettuce and radishes in the ground. I gave a presentation on bird photography to the O’Fallon,MO Camera Club on Wednesday and then there is the usual drama and trauma of the extended family.
Highlight of the week was meeting up with award-winning photographer,Scott Villmer last Sunday to photograph at an eagle nest. The day started with me meeting Scott at the Junie Moon Cafe in Union. Great breakfast…for my friend Sam on the West Coast– it is better than anything Bliss Restaurant turned out. Really good stuff and if you are in Union and looking for good food– go there.
After fueling up, we went to the site of the nest on some of Scott’s family’s property. Had a ball shooting the site. Met several of Scott’s family members and ‘might as well be family’ members. Saw an ongoing log cabin restoration,several log cabins that have been restored and talked with some very nice people. Also, Scott got some fresh eggs at his sister’s– can’t beat that.
Scott’s website link……. and he is literally telling the truth when he says he carries a camera with him all the time.
Here is one of Scott’s images from our outing– this is the only frame either of us has of both chicks with their heads up– great timing eh?