One of the things that amuses me is people who think Molly’s success in photography is because I tell her when or where or whatever. Plain fact…..beside how to read a histogram, she has figured it out on her own. She also has a knack for finding subjects and not spooking them. I’ve seen her walk up to “salt shaker” distance on wild birds and some day I expect to see our backyard birds eating out of her hand.
Last night she told me that she had seen wild turkeys at a spot on her way grocery shopping and she planned to be there early. I had planned to go to a spot in Illinois. So when the alarm went off at 5:30 am, we went our different ways after a quick breakfast. I ran off without my rubber boots which made my spot in accessible. She went to her secret spot (no, I don’t know where it is and she hasn’t told me LOL).
Here is the result of her morning shoot. Shutter speeds range from 1/80th for the deer to 1/2000th for the coyotes.
Click for larger image.