Sunday …freezing rain and then just plain rain. Sane people sleep late on days like this but yours truly decided to spend most of the morning sitting in a one man blind trying to photograph “feeder birds”. Object of all this was to test AF on my MKIIN and the 600mm. Jeff Kezele prompted this experiment when he emailed this week with a report of ‘missed’ focus at less than 20 feet.
I went to DOFMaster and plugged in the data for the camera, the lens and the distance. It says the DOF is 0.03 feet– yep, a huge 3 one hundreths of a foot. The following gallery has images where I put the top middle AF point on the eye or I did not put the AF point on the eye…(close like cheek or head/neck juncture but not on the eye). After seeing the results, I may have to use the club rule that allows ‘focus stacking’….like the little buggers will set still long enough to do this.
I have to look in the original preview in BreezeBrowser Pro to tell where the AF point was but y’all may have better vision 🙂 .