Friday (9/28) Molly and I loaded the gray truck in anticipation of making the one hour drive from New Haven to Manchester MO and the art show.
On Saturday (9/29),we arrived about 9am and were set up just after 11am. The display walls worked pretty well despite being just a bit too tall for the EZ UP tent. After getting the Square reader logged into the secure internet network, we were ready for business.
The set up was made easier by Kat Douglas of Manchester Parks and her team. Fantastic job considering several tents were messed up by high wind gusts the evening before. The team from Manchester Parks had most of the tents erected by the 9am early entry time. They really took care of the exhibitors with snacks and waters as well as solving the small hitches that can occur in a ‘live’ show.
We had several Jefferson County Camera Club members drop by to see our work and give us support for out efforts. Renee Townsend took several pictures of the booth and Molly and I. She also did us the great kindness of running to Arby’s and bringing us back some food. I didn’t know how hungry I was until I took the first bite of that regular roast beef sandwich. Robin Osborne and Hubby came by and gave us a thumb’s up. Lori and Dan Biehl…..along with the POSSE made an appearance. Lori and I talked about a photo shoot from earlier in the year and her Posse was interested in the process of making the photo coasters. Dan was his usual good natured self. They departed for another social event and we thank them for coming by.
Leah Villmer, Paul Fisher and Betty Fisher came by and a good time was had by all. Leah was cracking puns and Paul and Betty was talking to the other photographers and Molly. Leah,Paul and Betty really did us a solid since they stayed to tear down the display and help us load the stuff back into the truck.
We are blessed to have such good friends.
Summary: The show was a success. We saw friends. Learned some key things if we do this again and yes, we sold a few items.
Here are some images of the set up. Used by permission and courtesy of Renee Townsend.