Rain and cloudy days have been the rule lately. Snuck in a few images between downpours today. Exposure Compensation at +2 most of the morning. Gave up around 10:30 or so and went to El Mel ,our favorite place for bird seed and other bird goodies.
If y’all need any bird stuff or lawn and garden supplies etc– go see Mr. John and he will take care of ya.
Here are the images……..
At least my friends have been sending wonderful images of eagles,peregrines and other critters. 🙂
Some folks have been getting some images…in between gale force winds, monsoons and cloudy skies. Good lord, I can’t believe I usually fish in this crap!!! Great for fishing…bad for bird photography.
I’ll take either one though…anytime.
Jeff….my duck hunting friends look at me real strange when I tell them I’m going to photograph ducks, especially during duck season LOL. Between you and Linda and George, I am photo rich. 🙂