Molly headed to Doniphan,MO (southeastern part of the state) to visit family and friends–get paid for some prints and maybe take a few photos. My plan was to go to Duck Hollow Farm and photograph ducks and then head even farther north to photo go-kart races then come back to the farm and spend the night at the cabin. Found out at the last minute that the deer hunting partner was going to be there and I did not want to mess up his hunting. That meant that I’d be coming home from go-kart races around midnight and driving the 2 1/2 to 3 hour trip back on unfamiliar roads to St Louis with an arrival time of 3 am plus or minus.
No brainer, eh?
Anyway, I did manage to go to one of my favorite places.With the skies going from semi-sun to overcast and a chilly NE wind–it felt more like duck hunting weather rather than duck photographing weather. Birds took forever to get any where close and with the light…results are mixed.
Here are few just to show I went LOL.
click for larger and use the back button etc as always.
Sad thing is teal season is over, but on the plus side you captured some great pictures of your efforts. Way to go Bill taking one for the team and the results speak for themselves.
Hey Scott
Got a call yesterday,the guy got a deer.
Lot of deer use the back 15 acres and they have more than a few farm tags. Gets interesting when the deer and duck seasons over lap LOL.