Molly went on a solo photo ‘safari’ Monday morning. She went looking for ‘little birds’. The difference between Saturday morning and Monday morning was significant. I had to chuckle a bit when she called and told me that she had found a new type of Indigo Bunting that turned out to be a Blue Grosbeak. Dickcissels have increased their numbers. I have a hard time liking Brown Headed Cowbirds but I think she did as good a job as I have seen on these ‘parasites’ (yeah…..I could be biased 🙂 ).
She said she tried to get some Orioles but they just didn’t cooperate and she got a bird we are having a debate about the ID. I need to send it to John Watson so we can learn what it is.
For those that like the technical stuff: camera 40D in AV-Lens 600mm with 1.4 extender-Tripod-Chevy Crew Cab with bean bag 🙂
As always–click for larger image
Nice find Molly! Way to go!!!
Great captures Molly!!!! You go girl!
Great Photo’s. I am not a fan of the Brown Headed Cowbird but that’s a great pic. The colors are perfect. Harsh sun on back of neck, but good rim light on rest of bird.
Jeff,Carolyn and John
As you know Molly has an ‘aversion’ to computers, so I get the task of saying THANK YOU for your kind comments…..
again — for Molly