I headed out to Columbia Bottoms Saturday morning. I knew where I wanted to set up from seeing where the birds were working on Friday morning. Carried in the gear,set up in ankle-deep water and had everything ready to go just as the sun broke above the horizon. Teal dropped in 30 feet from me right on cue. I pushed the shutter and NOTHING. Error 99. It read Error 99 three hours later.
Many of you know I shoot an old 1DMKIIN. Great camera. Breezebrowser Pro says the shutter count is 544,476 frames. It has always been a bit finicky about shooting in air temps below 75 degrees since I’ve owned it. The two shutter replacements helped initially but eventually, they succumb to ‘heavy’ use.
What do you do in that situation? I just enjoyed the morning. Sometimes, when it just doesn’t work, you just watch and stow away the shots that could have been and enjoy being out in nature without anyone around. You kind of let nature shake and shift the contents of your mind until things start to take a little order. I knew a fella that often went fishing and never tied a hook on his line….just a sinker. He would cast his line out and then sit with a few adult beverages and watch the world go by. I asked him about all this and he told me “why ruin it with catching fish?”
I think I know what he was talking about after the Error 99 would not clear LOL.
Got home and the camera worked just fine.
Since this is a photography blog…here are 3 from Friday morning. As always,click for larger version.