As to what occurs first
The Bluebirds have babies
Our furniture arriving
Getting everything ship-shape before we take off on vacation
I’d put my money on the Bluebirds 🙂
As to what occurs first
The Bluebirds have babies
Our furniture arriving
Getting everything ship-shape before we take off on vacation
I’d put my money on the Bluebirds 🙂
Great Bluebird pictures Bill!!
Thanks Miss Beans
We appreciate the photos you sent us from our MOT visit and Becky’s farm.
Too bad about the night shoot but that’s “entertainment”
No lack of bluebirds in New Haven, is there? Nice shot!
Hey Mr Paul
We have a resident pair that have adopted us and between chores and building projects, we get a chance to photograph them.
Big thrill the other morning–Cedar Waxwings and lately we have had red tail hawks cruising over the house at 20 feet or so–alas– no photos but it was neat seeing them.
Hope all is well in your neck of the woods this afternoon– we got a bit of hail and a lot wind and rain