The race we mentioned last week seems to have ended in a tie–Bluebirds look to be on the nest,furniture arrived and is set up and we closed on the old house this Thursday last (yeah,the last phrase is kind of an archaic but it is accurate). So yesterday we did a couple of chores at the new (and only) house and went to find a wildlife area about 7 miles from New Haven. To get there we went through the town of Berger. Here are a few images we made on the return trip. Also,a view from our front door.
Life is good my friends, yes indeed,life is good.
So which one is the view from your front door? Just kidding! LOL Of course it’s the beautiful gorgeous luscious landscape one! Wow! So glad you have moved, sold your old house in less than a month and closed in less than a month and are getting all settled in your new abode!
Thanks Miss Beans
“The Red Room” will be finished in about a month but the other guest room is ready for you whenever you can come out