Yeah, I know no one knew we were gone but we are back from a road trip. We went to Gaston’s On The White River and then to my brother’s in Oklahoma. We returned to an A/C unit that would not cool but we were able to get a very busy A/C guy in New Haven to work us in. We had indoor temps in the 90’s so this was a high priority for us. Cathedral ceilings helped and a lower lever that had cool air was most welcome. All is well now.
About 30 years ago, my old friend Sam Hampton and I would go to Gaston’s to fish for trout. Then Molly and I went there nearly every year for anniversary trips–I fished– she read and relaxed on shore. Then we went to photograph blue birds and other little birds.
About 5 years ago we were snowed out and then life got in the way and we were busy getting ready for retirement and selling house etc. Last year we went to The Black Hills. This year we decided to stay closer to home so, we decided to go to Gaston’s.
There has been some very high water with a resulting high water table. All the standing water allowed for a major mosquito hatch. This is unprecedented because usually there is no mosquitoes at all. The high water also cut off some of the areas we normally go and get our photos. We made lemonade and had some memorable photo opportunities.
Here are some of Molly’s photos. The peacocks and turkeys are free range but they tend to hang around a permanent enclosure with pheasants, guinea fowl and other peacocks. The chipmunks are wild LOL.