to hang a hummingbird feeder.
It appears that the hummingbird migration may be beginning.
We hung a new feeder late Thursday afternoon and had hummers buzzing it in less than 24 hours (which usually does not happen at our house)
Here are a few from the weekend.
All taken with a rented Canon 7DMKII (probably the fastest focusing camera I have ever used).
AWESOME Photography!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Carolyn
All natural light and all auto focus-catch as catch can shooting.
Molly has some killers of insects as well as hummers that I will post soon.
Your Lantern Festival series was quite creative in the variety of treatments you gave the images and your Rams practice shots had some very good photo-journalism shots as well. I think some of the folks at camera club are in for a treat this year with the quality of work you are producing.
Molly and Bill
Told you that camera is fast. You break down and buy one yet?
Hey Joel
Was thinking about you the other day while working at the farm getting ready for teal season.
To answer your question………no LOL.
Not being cheap but we are getting the house ready to put up for sale in the spring and we are waiting for a couple of bids. Until then, we are kind of in limbo for ‘larger’ purchases.
When I do have to make the choice, the 1DX is liable to be at a reasonable price and it will be hard to decide between it and the 7DII.