Back when Molly and I were courting,we often spent many evenings sitting in her Mom’s backyard. We talked about the things we wanted to do,places we wanted to go to and things we wanted to see. Number One on Molly’s list was always Mount Rushmore. I promised her we would go there. As we all know, life sometimes gets in the way of doing things. So,after 30 plus years, I am glad to report, my promise has been fulfilled.
It is hard to convey how Mount Rushmore grows on you when you get there. We have seen nearly all the angles that can be seen by numerous photographs so we make no claims as to having anything extraordinary as far as photography but Mount Rushmore is one of the iconic American places. Until you visit it in person,you can not really appreciate what an achievement it is.

Memorial Day seems appropriate to show you a few images.
(taken with a 40D and a 10-22mm[16-35 equivalent])

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6 thoughts on “MOUNT RUSHMORE

  1. I have some of the same photos (except the one of you, of course) from the last time I was there. I agree that it is not the photos, it is the “being there”. Until you have seen it in person, you can’t fully appreciate its majesty.

  2. Absolutely agree with your statement–
    Plus—add the grin Molly had on her face from when we got there to when we left, it was worth the long drive

    • No Mr John
      We ran out of time–should have set aside 2 weeks for everything
      If we had to do it over, we would have scheduled some time in Badlands National Park as well

      BTW– thanks for the info re white millet

  3. Awesome photos Bill and can only imagine what it must feel like to actually be there to see first hand the majesty of the scene and the huge scale on which the artist’s did their wonderful depictions.

  4. Miss Beans
    There have been few instances where the saying……….”You had to be there” applied

    This was one of them

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