We finished our calendars a couple of days ago. Printed them on Red River 60lb. Polar Matte and had them spiral bound at Office Depot using their ‘report’ covers. I broke out our heavy-duty commercial paper punch and they are ready to go.
In case you have the urge to create your own calendars, here are a couple of links.
Photoshop Action
Download and read the ReadMe file. Pretty easy peasy– see sample at the end of the post
For those of you that like to play in Lightroom
A photographer named Ed Weaver has been making template/presets for use in Lightroom for several years. Matt Kloskowski has a video tutorial on how to set up the templates for use in Lightroom– read the text on the download page for the link to the video
Looks pretty easy for those of you that play in Lightroom–
Here is a sample off of this years calendar– a Bosque del Apache mallard no less with a gorgeous blue mountain background– 8.5 x 11
Bosque images are being edited– got a ton of them so be patient LOL