The winter doldrums. It is cold, the skies are overcast and drab half the time. Freeze up means the swans and ducks tend to be far away. The eagles haven’t just made it down in any numbers this year.
Saturday had decent skies after the overcast but the sun and wind didn’t really match up for the best flight photography. It was workable but it was tricky. The birders met at Teal Pond and then did their thing, which consisted of rolling up like mechanized locusts, piling out of their vehicles to set up spotting scopes etc. This caused all the birds that are relatively close to swim or fly away. If you are within a couple of hundred feet and are looking in your viewfinder to see all the birds that you have patiently waited to get close enough to photograph suddenly go the opposite direction.. well, that’s life 🙂
I knew I might as well move on. Happened to see a movement near the RMBS sign — used the 600 like a telescope and saw this kestrel. Crappy perch but a beautiful kestrel and anytime I can get images of a kestrel…. I drop everything and go for it.
I want to thank all of you that previewed these kestrel shots. Hopefully they will look ok after the Word Press software gets through with them.
Sunday started with major overcast. Had to shoot with +2EC and still probably needed to add more light. Two Pecan Pond had a nice number of ducks and as a bonus– a couple of eagles. George came by after the eagles had left. He exchanged pleasantries and said he was leaving the pond for the “professionals” ( reference to using long Canon glass vs his short Nikon lens 🙂 )
As part of the Canon Karma…George hadn’t been gone more than 5 minutes and an immature eagle flew into Pecan #2 and provided 2 of the 3 images in this this short gallery. 🙂 🙂 🙂