One of our favorite things about living near the New Haven city limits is having blue birds use the box that Carolyn Schleuter gave us as a housewarming gift last year. We had three sets of bluebird babies fledged out of our box last year.
This year we put the box up early thinking that the birds would get a head start. Little did we know that the House Sparrows would try to claim the box for themselves. Numerous ‘raids’ ran the blue birds off. After reading everything we could about blue birds and house sparrow nesting conflicts, we had to take the box down for a week. This was to break any bond that the house sparrows had to the box. Luckily, the rains came and we have not seen any house sparrows in sometime. The alternative is to trap and eliminate the house sparrows with as they say “extreme prejudice”.
Put the box up this morning and we hope the battle of the box is over. So far, no house sparrows and the blue birds are going in and out of the box.
Fingers crossed, we hope to see bluebird babies soon.
Recent shots
Beautiful blue birds.
Thanks Pat