After all the rain, we were feeling a bit “claustrophobic” and made a run to Riverlands late Monday (Labor Day) afternoon. Lots of shorebirds arrived or were stopped by the remnants of Hurricane Issac and the blue wing teal are making an appearance. Both Molly and I have images that need to be processed. Here is one that we liked.
Good one!!! See you tomorrow?
My wingman has a reservation to dove hunt Columbia Bottoms and I am supposed to go with him. Right now it depends on the weather and the doves.
Looking out my office window (Clayton), it may be a washout both figuratively and literally. 🙂
The last few photos you sent were great….keep up the good work…or should I say good clicking.
Nice shot. Looks like a happy duck!
She must have been happy since I was about 2 horse shoe tosses or less away…….and the 25-30 birds that were within 20 feet must have been happy as well. They swam, ate and generally were happy for over 45 minutes. Considering I was standing out in the open — so much for stressing out the birds. 🙂